Our Belmont

Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update

It’s a great time to live, work, study, and play in Belmont – a city with a rich history and an equally promising future.

This future is guided by several documents and policies, including Belmont’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan ("Our Belmont"). This serves as the master plan for the City, detailing a broad, long-term vision for the community’s future land use, infrastructure, programs and goals. All policies are supported by data analyzed at the start of the process.

Over the next few months, a team of City staff, professional consultants, elected officials, and many others will be leading efforts to revise Belmont’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which was last updated in 2018.

Most important to this process is that every citizen and stakeholder will be able to have their voice heard! Throughout the following months, there will be recurring public engagement activities including online surveys, public meetings, meet-and-greets and more where everyone can participate and contribute. Together, let's weave Belmont's future, one thread at a time!

What is YOUR vision for Belmont – share your input with us today!

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Why is Belmont Doing This?

Like many states, North Carolina’s general statutes require cities, towns and villages to update their long-range planning documents on a regular basis. These documents typically consist of zoning regulations (ordinances), master plans, land development codes and land use plans. Each municipality goes about this a little differently, but the reasons for the updates are similar. These include keeping pace with development trends, changing demographics, urgent infrastructure needs -and growth.

The City of Belmont has been guided most recently by its Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) which was last updated in 2018. The time has come to re-examine this document and revise it to adapt to where Belmont is today... and where it wants to be in the future.