Team Kick-off Tour

On March 28, the team toured every major area of Belmont by vehicle, as well as a downtown-specific visit on foot.

Shoreline Tour

The team was led on a shoreline tour of Belmont on April 26 by the City's Fire Department, and observed the community's development status along the Catawba and South Fork Rivers.

Citywide Workshops

During the first week of June, our team hosted a presentation and workshop series at Belmont's CityWorks, where we collected feedback through interactive and informational boards, as well as live polling.

Outreach at City Events

Throughout May and June, you might have seen us around town! We collected public feedback and spread the word about upcoming workshops at the Belmont's Farmer's Markets, Friday Night Live, Juneteenth Celebration, and Go Skateboarding Day.

Character Area Workshops

The core of our public engagement outreach, our team hosted five workshops during the last week of June, including two general events with informational/ summary presentations, as well as dedicated workshops for Northern, Central, and Southern Belmont at North Belmont Elementary (6/26), Gaston TechWorks (6/27), and the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens (6/28).